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Monday, 27 June 2022

Met Police: The Little Book of Big Scams 5th Edition

The Little Book of Big Scams aims to raise awareness of the ever-evolving ways that criminals use to scam the Public out of hard earned money.

Click here​ for an online copy.


Friday, 24 June 2022

Defence Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027 published

MOD has published the latest Defence People Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2022-2027) which sets out measures to improve the health and wellbeing (HWB) of Defence People and aims to maximise their employability and deployability.

The strategy aims to promote the importance of health and wellbeing across Defence, adopting a holistic approach to mental health, physical health and social health, recognising the need to educate and enable people to live healthy lifestyles in healthy environments.

Lieutenant General James Swift (Chief of Defence People) and Dr Peter Homa (Director General Defence Medical Services) said:

"The health and wellbeing of our people is something we deeply care about as Chief of Defence People and Director General Defence Medical Services. By supporting it we enable our people to realise their full potential, maximise their talent and productivity, and thereby optimise operational effectiveness. We both want and need our people to be the best possible version of themselves and to thrive because they are a part of Defence; this is both better for them and better for Defence.

"Health and wellbeing is everybody’s responsibility and this strategy is therefore for everyone at every level in Defence.

"We recognise that Defence has a diverse workforce, including both the military and civilians, with different employment models and accesses to healthcare and welfare support. However, our commitment to deliver a positive workplace environment that promotes health and wellbeing and enables all our people to thrive applies to all.

"Supporting the health and wellbeing of both yourself and those around you is a key team and leadership quality. We champion this, knowing that open and strong leadership at all levels, with visible role-modelling, enables our people to live and work in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment where they can enjoy the highest attainable standard of health and wellbeing."

Vision for Defence People

The Defence People Health and Wellbeing strategic vision is: All Defence People will be in a state of positive physical, mental and social health and wellbeing, to enable sustained delivery of defence outputs and optimise whole force operational effectiveness through improved productivity.

To realise this vision, the strategic objective for Defence is to: Create, promote and maintain the conditions for Defence People – military and civilian - to live healthy lifestyles in healthy environments, reducing injury, illness and suicide as far as possible, in order to maximise wellbeing and employability.


Monday, 20 June 2022

Childcare Choices - 30 Hours free Childcare

For more information, click here. ​


Summer water safety

As the warmer weather approaches and we enjoy more time outdoors, the risks to families around pools, rivers and beaches increases.
Please read these top tips from the RLSS to keep your family safe in the water.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

AGC - 30th Anniversary Festival

click on image to enlarge

No matter where you are based, the AGC community is invited to attend.

Gov.UK - Cost of Living Support

We know people are worried about the cost of living, so the government is offering help. See what support you could be eligible for: ​​

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Home Fire Safety Week

It’s estimated one in four UK households are in fuel poverty. The campaign will reflect the current cost of living issues which are pushing more households into fuel poverty, there are potential corresponding fire risks associated with the pressures people are facing.
The main areas covered will be: Smoking with specific reference to illegal tobacco products

Electrical safety

Home heating

Emollient products, for more information click HERE

Monday, 13 June 2022

General Enquiries - HIVE

Tax Free Childcare

To find out more about Tax Free Childcare, go to

Claiming Universal Credit from overseas

1. Serving families (and Crown Servants) operating overseas remain eligible to claim Universal Credit, in the same way they would if serving in the UK.

Temporary solution
2. A temporary solution is in place to get around the difficulties with using BFPO addresses on Universal Credit software. With immediate effect, all eligible claimants are to use the following address in claims: UNIT or REGIMENT OPERATION; BARRACKS or CAMP or RAF STATION or NAVAL SHIP (if applicable); BFPO number; POSTCODE: HA4 6NG.

a. Most important aspect is the post-code, this will ensure the claim goes to the team of DWP Armed Forces (AF) Champions that will specialise in supporting serving personnel overseas.

b. If you are already serving overseas and claiming you are recommended to complete a Universal Credit change of circumstances form so that your claim falls under the one central DWP AF champion team.

CAMHS Resources & Downloads

A collection of downloadable self-help guides that we really like and hope may be useful to you.

Some are aimed at adults but the ideas and suggestions in them can still be relevant for young people and parents.

DOWNLOADS | CAMHS Resources ( 

Friday, 10 June 2022

Families Deployment Guide ed 5

Click on the image above to read the support guide in full.


Stop Loan Sharks - Spring Newsletter

To read the newsletter in full Click Here


Thursday, 9 June 2022

New Financial Leasing Authority Protocol issued

New Financial Leasing Authority protocol published that will remove disadvantage

Financial Leasing Authority, with National Franchised Dealers Association, released new protocol to provide bespoke support to armed forces personnel deploying overseas.

With effect from 1 June 2022, serving personnel will benefit from a new protocol that ensures motor financing works better for them when deploying overseas.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Little Troopers letter pack

If you're moving house soon, our Little Troopers Letters Pack can help ease the transition for your children by reassuring them that they can stay in touch with a friend. Find out more here