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Monday, 27 February 2023

Thermae 2000, Valkenburg

With the aim of relaxing in a luxurious way and creating the balance between mind and body, all facilities of Thermae 2000 offer everything to create a perfect wellness day.
With indoor and outdoor pools, many (panorama) saunas, whirlpools, relaxation rooms, several restaurants, the beauty salon and the wellness hotel, Thermae 2000 has everything you need to spend an entire day, on the beautiful Cauberg. 
The latest addition to Thermae 2000 are the wine baths, where you can bathe in wine and you can now enjoy the heated outdoor pool again with a view over the beautiful South Limburg hills!

Price for day entrance: €32,50 p.p.
Price for evening entrance: €25,00 p.p
Nato discount available. Contact the HIVE for more information.

To book click here

Victory Services Club London

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

ResCAS 2023 still open - have your say before Fri 31 Mar

The Reserves Continuous Attitude Survey (ResCAS 2023) closes on 31 March. Your experience matters; we want to hear from you.

Army Reserves - ResCAS is open to selected volunteer Reservists who should have already received or will be receiving a paper copy of the survey and an email with a link to the online version. You can also access the survey online, then select ‘Army RESCAS 2023’.

RAF Reserves - The RAF ResCAS is open to all RAF Reservists (including Volunteer, Regular and Sponsored Reserves). You can access the survey online, then select ‘RAF Reserves Survey 2023’.

Maritime Reserves - ResCAS is open to all volunteer RNR and RMR personnel. You can access the survey online, then select ‘Maritime Reserves Survey 2023'.

For all - your token is your service number and is case sensitive. Personnel should use the Google Chrome web browser to complete the survey. ​

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Parenting Course - Understanding Your Child


Updated: DIO Accommodation Update 20th Feb 2023

Update of FDIS performance

For updates on the action DIO is taking to improve the performance of the accommodation contracts, please go to Service Family Accommodation - GOV.UK ( where you can subscribe for update notifications.

Reporting incidences on damp and mould

DIO and its suppliers take reports of damp and mould extremely seriously and have a robust plan in place to deal with reports of damp and mould in your homes. We are investing £73m this year on replacement windows, doors, roofs and upgrades to thermal efficiency and ventilation to reduce the occurrence of damp and mould in your homes.

In addition, since early 2022 DIO stopped allocating homes with a known damp or mould issue. This includes homes where a professional survey has recommended works that have not yet been completed, or where the previous family reported damp and mould, but no survey has been completed. Homes are also inspected between Move-Outs and Move-Ins and surveys are undertaken on homes where there are grounds to suspect they might be vulnerable to damp and mould.

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

Friday, 10 February 2023

Thursday, 9 February 2023

Tom Harrison House Liverpool

Tom Harrison House provides a specialist addiction recovery programme for UK Armed Forces veterans and emergency services personnel.

Our bespoke 12-week residential programme is designed specifically for those who have served and who may struggle to engage with mainstream, civilian rehabilitation services​.

Further information can be found HERE​

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Veterans Dashboard Launched

First-of-its-kind veterans dashboard launched as new census data emerges​​

The Veterans Data Dashboard from the Office for Veterans’ Affairs, allows the public to scroll through data in areas such as population, housing, mental health and employment.

The dashboard will provide a snapshot to the public, veterans and service providers so they can learn about the community, as well as the different services offered by the government to support veterans.

It comes as the Office for National Statistics released new data from the 2021 Census on the veteran population. The data covers areas such as age, health, gender and ethnic and religious breakdown.​

​​​CLICK HERE​ to view

Fort Eben-Emael

Fort Eben-Emael, constructed between 1932 and 1935, was one of the largest fortifications in Europe.

The spectacular and innovative attack on the fortress by an elite unit of German paratroopers on 10 May 1940 marked the tragic start of World War II for Western Europe. 

For more information visit

Important Changes for sending BFPO mail & parcels from 01 March 2023

Important Changes for sending BFPO mail & parcels from 01 March 2023

The European Union (EU is strengthening safety & security at customs through a large-scale information system called Import Control System 2 (ICS2) on 1st March 2023.

All goods being shipped into or transiting through EU countries or Northern Ireland, Norway & Switzerland by air must include a minimum six-digit Harmonised System (HS) code & an accurate description for each item in the shipment. These rules will apply to all goods except documents regardless of value.

Staff at BFPO Northolt will be required to capture all data and provide precise consignment contents data to our mail conveyance partners to facilitate onward movement. declarations made in full. Please note that all BFPO mail requires a customs declaration, and no destinations are exempt.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

Message from UK SNR

Posted on behalf of the SNR - an update on the position regarding work permits for dependents:

Dear Community,

As non-EU members, the UK no longer has the automatic right to a work permit for the Netherlands.
This has had the potential to drive up unemployment in our community and, as we have seen in neighbouring countries, force some spouses to lose their jobs on posting.
As you may know, the Legal team at the HQ have been striving to change this, and they have succeeded.

Please see below for details:

Dependents of staff members of JFC HQ Brunssum/HQ JLSG Brunssum shall be authorised to engage
in gainful employment in the Netherlands for the duration of the term of office/tour of duty of the staff members concerned. Thus, the time of the exemption is linked to the staff members' tour of duty at JFCBS/JLSGBS.

The agreement defines dependents to include:
- the spouse (by marriage or agreement of co-habitation at a civil notary)
- children under the age of 18
- children under the age of 27 years, if attending full time education in NLD
- children under 23, if they are not studying, but still financially dependent on the staff member.

These dependents shall not be required to obtain a work permit and are free to take up gainful employment in the Netherlands.
The employment shall be in accordance with Dutch laws and regulations, including labour, fiscal tax and social security legislation.
The agreement has not yet entered into effect, it is expected to occur early March 2023. Once entered into effect, an updated AUM will be released. This means that the exemption for non -EU dependents of staff members of JLSG/JFCBS will only apply per March 2023. Prior to that date a work permit will be required.

If you have any questions I am very happy to help.


Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week 6-12 Feb

Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week is the UK’s national week to raise awareness of sexual abuse & violence.

During this week, hundreds of events take place, both online and in person, all over the country to raise awareness of sexual abuse & violence. Organisations, charities, schools, businesses, community groups and individuals host events to promote healthy discussions with regards to sexual abuse & sexual violence as well as shine a spotlight on what is normally a very hidden subject.

Search #itsnotok online, speak to your Unit Welfare team or visit https://www.​ for further support and information.

Monday, 6 February 2023

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Service Family Accommodation (SFA) Update

Update on performance of Accommodation Contracts

For updates on the action DIO is taking to improve the performance of the accommodation contracts, please go to Service Family Accommodation - GOV.UK ( where you can subscribe for update notifications, or join the Service Family Accommodation group on Defence Connect.

‘Families First’ newsletter introduced

DIO has introduced a new SFA newsletter, Families First, to provide families with important information about their homes.

Families First includes updates on the measures DIO and its suppliers are taking to address contract performance and where DIO is investing money to improve the accommodation estate.

The newsletter will initially be published bi-weekly and hosted on and Defence Connect.

SFA Defence Connect group launched

DIO has created a dedicated SFA group on Defence Connect to provide Service personnel with a platform to find useful information about their homes, engage with DIO, and ask & answer questions on all things accommodation.

The main features of the group include:

• Community support which lists answers to frequently asked questions, and a place for Service personnel to ask their own questions and start new discussions.

• Latest updates and news including the new SFA newsletter

• Accommodation policy such as Defence-wide accommodation Joint Service Publications (JSPs) will be available to view and download.

• Helpful links to ensure Service personnel can find further information, support and necessary contact details quickly and easily.