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Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New Brunssum HIVE opening hours for 2025


From 1st January 2025 your Brunssum Hive office will have new opening hours. Which will be:
Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 14.00

NHS Better Health: Make 2025 the year you quit smoking

  • Make 2025 the year you quit smoking for good. There’s lots of free support available to help you.
  • Join thousands of other people preparing to quit smoking this New Year.
  • Quitting smoking is best thing you can do for your health. Get ready to quit for good this New Year.
  • You’re far more likely to quit smoking successfully with the right support. Discover what’s available at NHS Better Health and prepare to quit for good this New Year.
  • Getting support from your local stop smoking service gives you the best chance of quitting smoking successfully. Visit NHS Better Health to find your nearest service and get ready to quit for good in 2025.
  • It’s never too late to quit smoking and you will notice almost immediate improvements to your health when you stop. New Year is a great time to join others giving quitting a go.
  • Did you know that the average smoker could save around £3000 per year by quitting? Track your savings with the free NHS quit smoking app.
  • Want to quit smoking but not sure where to start? Get your free personal quit plan now.
  • Want to know more about using a vape to quit smoking? There’s lots of information available on the NHS Better Health website.
  • NHS Better Health has a range of content and tools to help smokers make a successful quit attempt, all of which can be accessed at

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Armed Forces Covenant: 2024 annual report

The Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report has been published today (18 Dec) and is available to read on at this link: Armed Forces Covenant annual report 2024 - GOV.UK​​

The annual reports set out major achievements of the armed forces covenant and highlight remaining challenges and new commitments.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Money & Pensions Advice Service guidance: Making the Most of your Money

Taking the time to manage your money can make a real difference
Whatever stage of life you’re at – whether you’re saving into a pension for the first time, buying or renting a home, starting a family or planning to retire – there are always ways of making your money go further.

Find out more on the Money and Pensions Advice Service's Money Helper website at:​ or at​

Also there is a library of advice booklets that are free to download at:

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

DIO Service Family Accommodation (SFA) Communications Update

Earlier today, a Written Ministerial Statement was published, announcing that the MOD has reached a formal agreement with Annington Property Ltd to repurchase more than 36,000 Service Family homes in England and Wales.  

This means that the homes that were previously privately owned will return to public ownership. This deal not only delivers long term value for money for the taxpayer but also means future improvements to the SFA estate will benefit Service families directly.

We hope this will be welcome news as DIO will now have the freedom to embark on a substantial programme of redevelopment and improvement of the estate.

Domestic Abuse - Help is at hand

The MOD’s Safeguarding Team have released a video providing advice for anyone in the Armed Forces community affected by domestic abuse.

See it at

You are not alone - there are many agencies who can help:

In an emergency call 999

At unit/establishment level:
  • Your local military/civil police
  • Unit Welfare Officer
  • Padre or Medical Centre
Professional welfare service:

BFBS Update December 2024

Follow this link to see the December 2024 BFBS update:
BFBS Update December 2024 | About BFBS

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Over £70K awarded to help mitigate the impact of separation for Service families


The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) have awarded funding worth over £70,000 to five fantastic projects designed to mitigate the challenges posed by long or frequent involuntary separation on families, spouses, and serving personnel.

Supporting those most affected

MWR Library online resources available again!

The online resources of the MWR Library are once again available to non-US personnel and their families.

If you already have a library account:
  1. you can log into Libby,
  2. select the DOD MWR library and where it asks 'are you a local national', select yes.
  3. You will then need to enter your library card number (which is the long OJN number on your ID card)
  4. and *voila* about 100,000 e-book and audiobook titles will be at your fingertips!
If you need help accessing any of this, or getting a library account, visit the library - it's a brilliant resource!!

Friday, 13 December 2024

Togatherall: New Year - resources and peer support

Feeling uncertain about what’s ahead? You’re not alone. Togetherall is here with free, anonymous peer support anytime you need it—24/7, all year round.

There’s also a range of other self-help resources. Connect with others who understand at

DWP News Update, including Christmas arrangements for benefit payments and revised JobCentre Plus opening times

Information on DWP benefit payment dates over the festive period: How and when your benefits are paid - GOV.UK

Jobcentre festive opening times can be found here: Contact Jobcentre Plus: Christmas and New Year opening - GOV.UK

Further DWP news updates:
Top tips for jobseekers at risk of ‘fake DBS check’ recruitment scams(link is external)
Press release: To coincide with the launch of the Home Office Stop! Think Fraud campaign, the Disclosure and Barring Service is providing support to job seekers for a safer employment search.

Connect to Work is the first programme under the Government’s new Get Britain Working Strategy. It is a work programme in England and Wales to help disabled people, those with health conditions and people with complex barriers to employment, to find sustainable work.
Connect to Work will be a voluntary, high-fidelity Supported Employment programme, connecting work, health and skills support across all of England and Wales: Connect to Work: Grant Guidance for England - GOV.UK

Tens of thousands more pensioners now in receipt of Pension Credit(link is external)
Press release: New figures released on 28 November 2024 show an extra 42,500 households are now in receipt of Pension Credit, and therefore the Winter Fuel Payment, since the government launched its pension credit awareness campaign.

Employers that have signed up to the Disability Confident scheme(link is external)
Guidance: This document lists the employers that have signed up to the Disability Confident scheme, and their status (committed, employer or leader) up to 30 November 2024.

Long-Term Relationship couples and families posted Overseas

The Armed Forces Accommodation Policy Team is thrilled with the feedback from more than 50 service members taking part in the Accompanied LTR(E) Overseas Pilot in Cyprus. Since its launch in January 2024, the pilot has provided valuable insights and personal stories showing just how life-changing this initiative has been for participants. Due to its success, the pilot has been extended until March 2027.

Thursday, 12 December 2024

JFC Brunssum E-Learning Centre Update

JFC Brunssum E-Learning Centre Update

Due to the restructure of overseas learning support, the UK NSE is no longer funded to provide e-learning centre support. Please therefore note with immediate effect, the revised contact details for all Educationals & Resettlement enquiries. 


RAF RESETTLEMENT or visit the RAF Resettlement hub on Defence Connect

Includes but not limited to Standard Learning Credits, Enhanced Learning Credits, MLAT, Functional skills


All other queries to be directed to

Discount News for NATO Card Holders

Discount News for NATO Card Holders!

Crowne Plaza Hotel Maastricht now has exclusive discounts for NATO ID card holders:
  • Free entry to live music
  • Discounted High Tea experiences
  • 10% off your entire bill at the bar and restaurant
Simply show your NATO ID to enjoy these special perks as a token of their appreciation for your service.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

The Forces Employment Charity - Military Families & Young People Programme

The Forces Employment Charity Families Programme exists to provide life-long, life-changing support, job opportunities, and training to Service leavers, veterans, reservists and their families, irrespective of circumstances, rank, length of service, or reason for leaving.

Their Families Programme supports spouses and partners of still-serving personnel and veterans, including divorced, separated, and bereaved, on their journey into employment; regardless of whether you are in the UK or overseas.

British Gas Electrician Apprenticeship Vacancies

The link to apply or more information is HERE

Apprenticeships are available in the following areas:
  • Glasgow
  • Hertfordshire
  • Aberdeenshire
  • Greater London
  • Gloucestershire
  • Essex
  • Bridgend
  • Northampton
  • Derbyshire
  • Staffordshire

Are you planning to register for Wraparound Childcare (WAC) Overseas funding in January 2025?

There are two actions that must be completed before you register.

What is Wraparound Childcare funding?
The Wraparound Childcare (WAC) scheme provides funding for up to 20 hours per week, per child, during term time, to eligible Service families with children aged 4 to 11 years old (4-16 years old if receiving Government disability allowances) who are in full time education in school or being home educated. Over 7,000 Service children's before and after school childcare is currently being funded by WAC.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Your Armed Forces Offer explained

The Defence Armed Forces Offer recognises the unique demands of Service life, and the vital work our people do to keep us safe at home and strong abroad.

​​Find out more about the range of benefits, opportunities, and support available to you: Discover My Benefits

Those with access to MODnet can also view the full article at:
Defnet: Your Armed Forces Offer explained (
Defence Connect: Your Armed Forces Offer explained | Defence Connect (

Tuesday, 3 December 2024

HM Government Money & Pensions Service - Money Helper: Credit unions and other alternatives to high-cost credit

This Money Helper (Money & Pensions Service) ​​guide is for you if you need access to credit but you can’t use a mainstream lender and you don’t want to use a payday loan or other forms of high-cost credit.

When you read it, you’ll know:
  • how credit unions work and how they can help you
  • how to join a credit union
  • what other sources of fair and affordable credit might be available to you.​

Digital Veteran Card to make accessing support even easier for ex-service personnel

​New Digital Veteran Card (DVC) to make sure former service personnel can prove their Veteran status as easily as possible, enabling smoother access to often essential support.

Service Prosecuting Authority welcomes HMCPSI inspection report

“We hope this report will reassure the public, members of the Armed Forces, and the Defence community that the SPA is performing well and making a meaningful contribution to Service Justice” – Director of Service Prosecutions, Jonathan Rees KC reflects on the publication of an inspection report on the Service Prosecuting Authority (SPA).​

To view more about the Service Prosecuting Authority, and additional information on this report, please go to: Service Prosecuting Authority - GOV.UK

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Accommodation: Online e1132 password process change on 9th Dec 2024

Online e1132 password process change

The password process for the online e1132 system is changing on Monday 9th December 2024.

To ensure your online details are kept as securely as possible, we are changing the way we record, store and provide users with their details (when requested).

All users of the online e1132 system will need to reset their own passwords the next time they login to the system.

Togetherall: Holiday Season Support

This season can feel lonely, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Togetherall offers a safe, supportive, anonymous community—free and available 24/7.There’s also a range of other helpful resources. Find connection whenever you need it, at

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Prepare Your Car for Winter 2024

Winter tyres are not mandatory in the Netherlands or Belgium, however, when driving in Germany, you are obliged to have winter tyres on your car or camper in winter conditions.

What are 'winter weather conditions'?
1. black ice
2. slippery conditions due to snow or slush
3. slippery conditions caused by ice or frost

There is no fixed time period in which you are obliged to drive with winter tyres in Germany, but it is your responsibility to have the right tyres for the right weather conditions. The general rule is ‘von O bis O’ (from October to Easter), fitting winter tyres from the beginning of October to the end of April.

Army's Guide for Care Leavers

The Directorate of Personnel in Army HQ have released a new Guide for Care Leavers, which will help both Care Leavers and their managers access the appropriate support.

You can find it on the Pers Pol Conditions Defence Connect page at

Friday, 22 November 2024

New Armed Forces Carer’s Passports are introduced

Carer’s passports are well established and widely used across many organisations throughout the UK, including the Civil Service, and have proven to be an invaluable resource for employees with caregiving responsibilities. They are now available for our Armed Forces.

It can be especially hard to balance a career in the Armed Forces alongside caring responsibilities, but the Ministry of Defence (MOD) is dedicated to support those who do.

Introducing the Armed Forces Carer’s Passport

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Bounce Forward - Anxiety Unravelled online course

Registration is now open for the next Anxiety Unravelled course for military parents and carers, funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust.

This the 3rd of three courses being delivered in response to what military parents told us they need, both for themselves and for their children. There are more than 100,000 children with parents actively serving in the British Armed Forces, and the number of children seeking support for mental health problem is rising.

Wellbeing of the adults impacts children, if adult wellbeing is poor, then it can pass on through to their children. Children are often the forgotten service members with limited research into the impact they feel, so they are often left to struggle alone. This course helps parents to understand and recognise how best to develop resilience in their children.

​Places are FREE of charge, and there are 500 funded places, starts 14th January 2025.

Army Families Federation – Childcare Survey

AFF want to know about your experience of early years childcare.

“We want to understand how issues such as availability and cost affect your family, and how your experience varies by location, so we've launched a short survey that runs until 6 December".

Army Families' Experiences of 0-5 Childcare Survey

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Army Families Federation (AFF) Immigration Survey

Army Families Federation AFF would like to know more about the unique challenges non-UK Service personnel, veterans and their families face when it comes to immigration. Who did you contact for information and advice and why? Did you get everything you needed straight away, or did you find it difficult?

Veterans Access to Healthcare Research Briefing

To access the full Veterans Access to Healthcare Research Briefing report, click here.​

Get ready for a Wraparound Childcare (WAC) expansion to some overseas locations

Are you assigned to a location within the European Economic Area & Switzerland (EEA&S) or using Defence Children Services (DCS) before and after school childcare provision? WAC Overseas will be available to eligible families in these areas from 6 January 2025.

View the poster details here.

What is Wraparound Childcare funding?
The Wraparound Childcare (WAC) scheme provides funding for up to 20 hours per week, per child, during term time, to eligible Service families with children aged 4 to 11 years old (4-16 years old if receiving Government disability allowances) who are in full time education in school or being home educated. Over 7,000 Service children's before and after school childcare is currently being funded by WAC.

Temporary registration and claims process for WAC Overseas.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

The Impact of VAT changes on the Continuity of Education Allowance


In the Budget speech The Chancellor of the Exchequer has confirmed that the government will remove the VAT exemption for private schools from 1 January 2025.
For families claiming the Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA) this is likely to increase private school fees.

To minimise the impact of this change, the Secretary of State has directed that the CEA rate cap will be uprated, to ensure it continues to pay up to 90% of school fees for eligible claimants.

What does this mean for CEA claimants?

NHS England: 2024 Autumn/ Winter Armed Forces health stakeholder brief

Armed Forces health stakeholder brief Autumn/ Winter 2024

Welcome to the Autumn/ Winter edition of our Armed Forces stakeholder brief. To mark this year’s Remembrance, NHS England and our partner Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) are urging GP practices to become veteran friendly accredited and prevent ‘silently struggling’ veterans from delaying seeking medical help.

Easy Resettlement Magazine - Autumn 2024 Edition

Here's the link to read the latest edition online: Magazine | Easy Resettlement Magazine

Defence Transition Services (DTS): Civilian Housing Brief Dates 2025

To register for a brief:

For more information on getting additional support when leaving the armed forces:​​​

Click here for more information

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: New awards to build sustainable and resilient support networks for Veterans

The Armed Forces Covenant Trust (the Trust) have awarded grants totalling almost £7 million under the Thrive Together Programme (previously known as VPPP) which will step up support for vulnerable Veterans.

Nine grants have been awarded to the current portfolio lead organisations, enabling them to realise their plans under the newly named Thrive Together programme, designed to increase support to vulnerable Veterans and their families throughout the UK and enable this support to become self-sustaining.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Military Mortgage Advice Webinars: November to Jan

Click here for more information on what the Webinars will cover, along with booking details, or to book directly you can visit:​

Monday, 28 October 2024

Stem Cell Donation: Sign up to save a life!

Every 20 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with blood cancer.

Stem cell transplants are used to treat blood cancers like leukaemia, aplastic anaemia as well as other diseases of the immune system. Chemotherapy can help in some cases, but for many people a stem cell transplant is the only chance of a cure.

30,000 new donors are needed in the UK each year to find matches for the steadily rising number of stem cell transplants taking place in the UK every year. Stem cells are found in the bone marrow – a soft, spongy tissue at the centre of certain bones – and can produce all essential blood cells, including red and white cells and platelets (which stop bleeding).

Give blood and save a life - Sign up today

AWS Community Support Annual Report 2024

The Army Welfare service is proud to present the AWS Community Support Annual Report for 2024.

This Report outlines some of the key achievements delivered and challenges faced by our team over the past year. It provides an overview of key areas of work, statistical information and also looks forward to the year ahead. It demonstrates the breadth and depth of the impact that the Community Support team have.​


Thursday, 24 October 2024

Forces in Mind Trust Post-Service Employment Research Policy & Practice Summaries

New research and policy summaries focused on post-Service employment among ex-Service personnel and their partners.

These summaries form part of our commitment to ensuring evidence is at the heart of decision making for the benefit of ex-Service personnel and their families.
The summaries provide easy digestible access to up to date research evidence and an overview of current policy and service provision focused on post-Service employment among ex-Service personnel and their partners.

Armed Forces in Policing Recruitment Event


Northamptonshire Police​ have planned the 2025 series of events called National Joining Forces – these are police recruitment events for all police organisations in England and Wales. They are designed to provide insight and understanding into police careers; the recruitment process and the structures in place to support candidates through the process. In particular the events highlights the qualities and skills veterans possess which are transferable into British policing.

The events are advertised on Eventbrite and are as follows:

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Flooding - DIO and Pinnacle have provided some handy information around flood proofing.

Pinnacle - flood preparedness

RAND Europe Research - Meeting the Needs of the RAF and RN/RM Family.

RAND Europe is currently undertaking research to support the Royal Air Force (RAF) Benevolent Fund and Greenwich Hospital in understanding the current and future size, demographics and support needs of RAF and Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM) Service People, Veterans and Families.

We are recruiting participants!

As part of our research, we want to better understand the experiences of current and former RAF, RN and RM serving personnel and their families. We are intending to do this through interviews and surveys, focusing on:

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Veterans ID Card accepted as Polling ID.

The government has backed the armed forces community by allowing HM Armed Forces Veteran Cards to be used as Voter ID in forthcoming elections.

More information can be found here.

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Over £380K awarded to enhance Early Years provision for Service families.

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) have awarded funding worth over £380,000 to a further 12 fantastic projects supporting Service children in the latest round of the Early Years programme!

These projects are set to help enhance early childhood education and childcare to better support the unique needs and challenges of young children from Armed Forces families.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Defence Children Services: New information on school admissions and education support to Service families

Defence Children Services and Education Advisory Team (UK) have released some new information for Service families. This includes guidance about key dates related to school admissions which are coming up; the first of these is October 31st for families who have a child due to start secondary school in September 2025.
There are also leaflets explaining the support available from EAT (UK) and the Overseas Education and Supportability Team (OEST):​Letter for families​DCS also has a new website with comprehensive information for Service families:

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

World Mental Health Day - 10th October: Defence Relaunch of HeadFIT for 2024

HeadFIT is an externally accessible website, developed by Defence to assist our people in developing a proactive approach to mental fitness. It provides techniques and methods to manage your mental resilience, enhance your mood, and improve your confidence. For further information please go to: HeadFIT - Success, it's all in your head