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Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Military Mortgage Advice Webinars: November to Jan

Click here for more information on what the Webinars will cover, along with booking details, or to book directly you can visit:​

Monday, 28 October 2024

Stem Cell Donation: Sign up to save a life!

Every 20 minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with blood cancer.

Stem cell transplants are used to treat blood cancers like leukaemia, aplastic anaemia as well as other diseases of the immune system. Chemotherapy can help in some cases, but for many people a stem cell transplant is the only chance of a cure.

30,000 new donors are needed in the UK each year to find matches for the steadily rising number of stem cell transplants taking place in the UK every year. Stem cells are found in the bone marrow – a soft, spongy tissue at the centre of certain bones – and can produce all essential blood cells, including red and white cells and platelets (which stop bleeding).

Give blood and save a life - Sign up today

AWS Community Support Annual Report 2024

The Army Welfare service is proud to present the AWS Community Support Annual Report for 2024.

This Report outlines some of the key achievements delivered and challenges faced by our team over the past year. It provides an overview of key areas of work, statistical information and also looks forward to the year ahead. It demonstrates the breadth and depth of the impact that the Community Support team have.​


Thursday, 24 October 2024

Forces in Mind Trust Post-Service Employment Research Policy & Practice Summaries

New research and policy summaries focused on post-Service employment among ex-Service personnel and their partners.

These summaries form part of our commitment to ensuring evidence is at the heart of decision making for the benefit of ex-Service personnel and their families.
The summaries provide easy digestible access to up to date research evidence and an overview of current policy and service provision focused on post-Service employment among ex-Service personnel and their partners.

Armed Forces in Policing Recruitment Event


Northamptonshire Police​ have planned the 2025 series of events called National Joining Forces – these are police recruitment events for all police organisations in England and Wales. They are designed to provide insight and understanding into police careers; the recruitment process and the structures in place to support candidates through the process. In particular the events highlights the qualities and skills veterans possess which are transferable into British policing.

The events are advertised on Eventbrite and are as follows:

Thursday, 17 October 2024

Flooding - DIO and Pinnacle have provided some handy information around flood proofing.

Pinnacle - flood preparedness

RAND Europe Research - Meeting the Needs of the RAF and RN/RM Family.

RAND Europe is currently undertaking research to support the Royal Air Force (RAF) Benevolent Fund and Greenwich Hospital in understanding the current and future size, demographics and support needs of RAF and Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM) Service People, Veterans and Families.

We are recruiting participants!

As part of our research, we want to better understand the experiences of current and former RAF, RN and RM serving personnel and their families. We are intending to do this through interviews and surveys, focusing on:

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Veterans ID Card accepted as Polling ID.

The government has backed the armed forces community by allowing HM Armed Forces Veteran Cards to be used as Voter ID in forthcoming elections.

More information can be found here.

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Over £380K awarded to enhance Early Years provision for Service families.

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) have awarded funding worth over £380,000 to a further 12 fantastic projects supporting Service children in the latest round of the Early Years programme!

These projects are set to help enhance early childhood education and childcare to better support the unique needs and challenges of young children from Armed Forces families.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Defence Children Services: New information on school admissions and education support to Service families

Defence Children Services and Education Advisory Team (UK) have released some new information for Service families. This includes guidance about key dates related to school admissions which are coming up; the first of these is October 31st for families who have a child due to start secondary school in September 2025.
There are also leaflets explaining the support available from EAT (UK) and the Overseas Education and Supportability Team (OEST):​Letter for families​DCS also has a new website with comprehensive information for Service families:

Wednesday, 9 October 2024

World Mental Health Day - 10th October: Defence Relaunch of HeadFIT for 2024

HeadFIT is an externally accessible website, developed by Defence to assist our people in developing a proactive approach to mental fitness. It provides techniques and methods to manage your mental resilience, enhance your mood, and improve your confidence. For further information please go to: HeadFIT - Success, it's all in your head

Headspace App: Free Enrolment for Army Personnel and MOD Civilian Staff

For more information see the poster here Please use your email address to sign up before downloading the App. Link to enroll: Headspace for Work

Protecting Grey Matter - Mental Health support

For more information on any of the resources within this poster, please contact your nearest HIVE or use the 'contact Army HIVE' facility on the right hand side menu of this Blog.
For social media platforms, please add: For more information on any of the resources within this poster, please send us a DM or contact your nearest HIVE:​

Ripple Pond - October Newsletter


Friday, 4 October 2024

The Poppy Factory: Supporting veterans and families towards employment


For more information please see:

Research Participants Request: Study into the effects of Impostor Phenomenon in Military Veterans

Imposter Phenomenon, commonly known as Imposter Syndrome, is a widely reported but hugely misunderstood mental health condition that affects the majority of the population and is suspected to affect Veterans in transition to civilian life, perhaps more than other groups; stopping veterans from integrating back into society and limiting their success in their new employment.

At Manchester Metropolitan University, we are studying Impostor Phenomenon and UK Veterans, and what might be done to limit its effects.

The autumn edition of Army&You magazine is out now!

To read this issue online, please go to Army&You Autumn 2024 Issue.
There is an article on page 56 covering HIVE's 40th Anniversary.

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust - Apply now for the AF3: Supporting Partners programme

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) are delighted to announce that the Supporting Partners programme is now accepting applications!

Charities, CICs, Armed Forces units and bases, and universities and colleges are invited to apply for grants of between £10,000 and £60,000 for projects which provide support for partners and spouses of serving personnel to reduce the challenges that Service life can sometimes present.

What is the Supporting Partners programme all about?

10th Oct: World Mental Health Day and Togetherall


Whatever you're going through, you're not alone. Let's support each other this #WorldMentalHealthDay.

The UK Armed Forces have FREE access to @togetherall and you can join at

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Functional Fitness Class in The Hub


AFCAS 2025 is open – make your voice count!

The Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) is open!
The annual Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) gives Service personnel the chance to share your views on working conditions, living conditions, and day-to-day Service and family life. Take part in AFCAS and tell us how to better understand your needs in the areas below:

Explorer Tots Group at JFC Brunssum


'Explorer Tots' community group at JFC Brunssum. The inclusive group, aimed at parents and tots aged 0-3 (and also those expecting a baby), is designed to offer an interactive environment for both parents and little ones to play, talk and engage with the British community.