1. Serving families (and Crown Servants) operating overseas remain eligible to claim Universal Credit, in the same way they would if serving in the UK.
Temporary solution
2. A temporary solution is in place to get around the difficulties with using BFPO addresses on Universal Credit software. With immediate effect, all eligible claimants are to use the following address in claims: UNIT or REGIMENT OPERATION; BARRACKS or CAMP or RAF STATION or NAVAL SHIP (if applicable); BFPO number; POSTCODE: HA4 6NG.
a. Most important aspect is the post-code, this will ensure the claim goes to the team of DWP Armed Forces (AF) Champions that will specialise in supporting serving personnel overseas.
b. If you are already serving overseas and claiming you are recommended to complete a Universal Credit change of circumstances form so that your claim falls under the one central DWP AF champion team.
Permanent solution
3. Soon, the permanent solution (BFPO addresses accepted as standard on Universal Credit software and claim forms) will be in place and JSP 770 updated accordingly. The DWP website is also due to be updated with information targeted specifically to the Armed Forces Community.
Additional info
4. For help and advice your DWP regional AF champion remains your first POC (if you have not yet deployed). Alternatively, please email the regional team that will be responsible for overseas claims: Londonandessex.armedforceschampions@dwp.gov.uk
5. For Serving personnel please see DIN 2022DIN01-050 for further information.