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Wednesday 2 August 2023

Army Multicultural Network Conference

The Army Multicultural Network will hold its biennial conference at Churchill Hall, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst on 20 September 2023, 0800-1700 hrs. The event is open to all Regular and Reserve personnel, Civil Servants and members of associated Employee Support Networks. The chain of command and unit welfare/diversity and inclusion advisors are equally encouraged to attend.

DCGS will present at an interactive day, sponsored by Commander Home Command, with Guest Speakers Prof David Olusoga and Dr Balissa Green. It aims to provide an informative, interactive, and inspiring forum that provides practical tools to individuals and the chain of command so that we can maximise the talent and potential of all under-represented cohorts, and ultimately make a more operationally effective army ready to fight and win wars on land.

The Conference, themed “Time to Act", intends to build on the significance of the recently published Army Race Action Plan; throughout there will be examples of putting words to action and methodology to close the gap between intent and outcome.
Follow this LINK to register for the Army Multicultural Network Conference 2023.