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Friday, 22 March 2024

Open University Disabled Veterans' Scholarships Fund

Open University Disabled Veterans' Scholarships Fund applications are now open!

​Last year, The Open University supported around 28,000 disabled students. And, since the Disabled Veterans’ Scholarships Fund was established, more than 300 additional disabled students have been able to access higher education with us.

What is a Disabled Veterans' Scholarship?

If you’ve been injured or disabled in, or as a resu​​lt of, military service, you could be funded to complete a full Open University qualification.

We offer 50 scholarships annually. All undergraduate and postgraduate modules and qualifications are eligible. You’ll have your fees waived for up to 120 credits per seasonal academic year, up to a maximum of 360 credits, which is equivalent to a full honours degree.

Information and eligibility criteria can be found here:
Disabled Veterans' Scholarships | How to Pay | Open University

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Social Media Specialists - free BFBS social media training programme for military spouses plus Veterans and their spouses

The BFBS Academy has announced the launch of Social Media Specialists, a free course open to the broader military community offering the opportunity to upskill in social media marketing techniques.

Click here for further details

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

National Adult Social Care Recruitment Campaign - Made with Care

23red is the partnerships agency working with DHSC on their national adult social care recruitment campaign Made with Care.

The campaign aims to highlight the amazing opportunities which the care sector can provide for a fulfilling career, showcasing the amazing difference you can make every day and demonstrating that it is easy for people without any previous experience to get started.

As part of their work DHSC have recognised that a career in care could work incredibly well for those leaving the armed services and the partners of those currently serving in the armed forces.

As such we have been working with Forces Employment Charity and the Career Transition Partnership to create a suite of resources which can help to showcase the benefits of a career in care and direct people to the national campaign site where they can find out more about the roles on offer and search for relevant jobs in their area.​

The resources, including posters, leaflets and social media assets, are free to download and will hopefully provide useful support for those currently looking for flexible careers or considering their next step.

Defence Discount Service: Veterans Privilege Card Video

Defence Discount Service have introduced a new video to support veterans with signing up for a Defence Discount Service Privilege card. To watch the video, please go to this YouTube link: ​

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Non-UK Nationals: Lower minimum income requirement agreed for the Armed Forces


On 4 December 2023, the Government announced that the MIR would be increased to align with the new minimum general salary threshold for skilled workers, which is currently £38,700, with an initial increase to £29,000 in Spring 2024. This will no longer include an additional income requirement where a child is included in the application.

The Ministry of Defence has worked with the Home Office on options to mitigate the potential impact on recruitment and retention the increase may have, and it has been agreed that the MIR will be aligned with the salary threshold for Other Ranks on completion of training, which is currently £23,496. Officers earn £31,304 until completion of Initial Officer Training when their pay increases to £37,425. The MIR for HM Armed Forces will be reviewed in line with the annual pay award.

The Government introduced the MIR in July 2012 for partners and children of British and settled persons, and in December 2013 for a partner and child(ren) of HM Armed Forces, including the Brigade of Gurkhas, under Appendix HM Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules.

The full Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules can be found at: HC 590 – Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (
A Q&A document has been prepared and can be accessed HERE

Castle Arcen

Enjoy the castle and gardens where every season has its own charm. 
You can combine your visit with a bike ride or a creative workshop.

Plenty for children to do - they can go on a discovery tour in the park with a treasure hunt, have a game of mini golf, play on the man-made beach and feed the animals in the petting meadow. 

Parking €7.00 per day
Lingsforterweg, 5944 BE, Arcen.

Visit:  for information about workshops and events.

The village of Arcen is a 5-minute walk from the castle - a nice little village on the Maas with good places to eat.
For more information click here

Togetherall: Neurodiversity Celebration Week Support


We all experience and interact with the world in a way that makes sense to us. Neurodiversity highlights the idea that there's no one right way to think, learn, behave or feel.

People think differently, which means we can also utilise different ways to feel better. With Togetherall, members can share their experiences and share community.​

Read more about Neurodiversity in @Togetherall's blog post:

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Final round of Reaching and Supporting Armed Forces Communities programme brings total grant funding to over £11.8 million in two-years

Final round of Reaching and Supporting Armed Forces Communities programme brings total grant funding to over £11.8 million in two years

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (The Trust) is delighted to announce that they have awarded over £2.8 million to 32 targeted projects that will deliver real change within Armed Forces communities in the final round of the Reaching and Supporting Armed Forces Communities programme.

That’s a huge total of more than £11.8 million in grant awards since the programme launched in April 2022!

Defence Victim Witness Care Unit: We stand with victims

We stand with victims.
A year after its formation, we look at how the Defence Victim Witness Care Unit (VWCU) supports victims and witnesses of serious crime during their journey through the Service Justice System.

Here to support
Whether you’re in the Armed Forces or a civilian, the VWCU is here to support you. If you’ve been affected as a victim or witness of serious crime committed by Service personnel in the UK or abroad, we are here to help.

Independent from the Army, Navy, and RAF chains of command, the unit is made up of specially trained civilian Victim Liaison Officers (VLOs) who act as supportive guides throughout the Service Justice System – from reporting a crime, to the investigation, and any subsequent court martial and outcomes.

Visit your Pharmacy first!


Monday, 18 March 2024

Month of the Military Child

Each April, we celebrate Month of the Military Child, a time to recognise the important role that military children play in the wider armed forces community.

We invite individuals, organisations, schools and groups to participate in Month of the Military Child this year through 3 key activities:

Friday, 15 March 2024

Car Craft Centre, JFCBS


Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: Service Pupil support with new round of funding

Great news for schools supporting Service children in the UK! The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) has announced a new round of the Service Pupil Support Programme.

Part of the MOD’s Armed Forces Families Fund (AF3), the Service Pupil Support Programme will award grants of £5,000 to £80,000 to projects supporting Service children along their educational pathway.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

Tri-Border Sailing Club

The NATO Tri-Border Sailing Club (NTSC) is a recognised Club of the Allied Joint Force Command HQ Brunssum (JFCB) Morale and Welfare Activity.  

The club has a variety of boats for beginners and advanced sailors. One membership cost allows the unlimited use of boats throughout the season (April - October) at the sailing location in Roermond.
Training is available.

For more information please visit:

World Sleep Day Friday 15th March

SLEEP is the Foundation Stone that supports both our mental health and physical wellbeing, which is why we spend a third of our lives asleep.​

The information contained in this Sleep Resource Page will help you to adopt heathier lifestyle choices, these small changes will help you to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. All of ​​​​​​these changes are inside your control.

Fd Army Sleep Resource Page (

Centrica Forces Pathway News Letter

To read the latest Centrica Pathway newsletter and learn about job opportunities, click here

Open Studio Thursday, JFCBS Arts & Crafts


Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Limburg House - UK Community/Welfare Accommodation, Netherlands

Limburg House is the UK community and welfare house located in Heerlen, approximately 3 miles from JFC Brunssum.
The property has 3 bedrooms,1 bathroom and a parking space. It is furnished with modern comforts, equipped with all the kitchen essentials, including a washing machine and tumble dryer. 
The cost per night is €30, which includes WiFi and bedding.
The community carpet cleaner is available to book through Limburg House - cost is €20 per day.

Available to all UK military personnel and family. 
For enquires and bookings please email:

Contact House Directory

Did you know that Army HIVE holds and maintains a directory of all Contact Housing available across the UK and Overseas?

For a copy, or for contact details for a location, do g​et in touch with any HIVE or drop us a message at:

Tri-Service Accommodation Regulations (TSARs) JSP 464 updated to reflect Modernised Accommodation Offer

The following changes have been made to incorporate the elements of the Modernised Accommodation Offer (MAO) that are being implemented from 11th March:

JSP 464 Vol 1 Part 1 V 30
  • Ch 12: Forces Help to Buy Scheme – Section XII Para 1251. Refund of Legal Expenses (New Buyers) policy

JSP 464 Vol 3 Pt 1 V 24 
  • Ch 3: Single Living Accommodation and the Substitute Equivalents - Charges 
  • SLA Waivers 0303c. Amendment to Over 37 Provision.
  • SLA Waivers 0303 y. Inclusion of the Dual Accommodation Waiver.
Details of the amendments are at this link and the full policy document can be found at:

NHS 'Get Your Blood Pressure Checked' Campaign Launches in UK

The NHS ‘Get Your Blood Pressure Checked’ campaign launched today, and has the following primary messages: 

● High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. 

● You could be one of millions living with high blood pressure without knowing it. 

● An estimated 4.2 million adults in England currently have undiagnosed high blood pressure.

● Left untreated, high blood pressure can significantly increase your risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease and vascular dementia.

     ○ Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes 1 in 4 deaths in England - around one death every four minutes.

● The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get a blood pressure test. 

     ○ It’s a free, simple and a non-invasive procedure conducted in privacy at your local pharmacy, and you don’t need to book in advance.  

Monday, 11 March 2024

Army Welfare Service: A Message to Domestic Abuse Victims/Survivors


Serve & Protect Credit Union: Credit & Borrowing Videos & Financial Blog

Credit and Borrowing Videos

​Accessing affordable credit should not be complicated. The team at Serve and Protect Credit Union are here to explain all things credit and borrowing 🙌

🔗 Watch Serve and Protect Credit Union's credit and borrowing videos here -

Financial Blog
Does your credit score need some help? 🤔

Serve and Protect Credit Union are here with 10 simple tips to improve your credit score, giving you better options should you need financial support.

🔗 10 Tips to Improve your Credit Score

Togetherall: World Sleep Day Blog Post - Sleep Health

Struggling to get a good night's sleep? A good night's rest is crucial for our mental & physical health and quality of life.
Check out Togetherall’s blog on the power of sleep & how to get it:

Friday, 8 March 2024

Armed Forces Pension Schemes: Pension Savings Tax Changes and the 2015 Pension remedy

A newsletter has been published on the Armed Forces Pension Schemes website, providing guidance on:

​1. Pensions Savings tax and the latest changes
2. Pensions Savings tax and the 2015 Pension Remedy

Links to supporting guidance and sources of further advice can be found on pages 13-15 of the publication.

Please go to this LINK to view the newsletter, or to Armed forces pensions - GOV.UK (​ for all AFPS-related information and guidance.​

Celebrate the Month of the Military Child with Little Troopers

April is the international month of the military child and the charity Little Troopers has organised a special month packed full of events, workshops and downloadable activities, so wherever you live, you can get involved in the celebrations with your little troopers! The charity also has a dedicated Month of the Military Child Schools Pack so that schools in the UK and overseas can join in and shine a light on their forces children this April.

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Pilates at Studio 33

Studio 33 in Sittard are offering free trial workshops every first Saturday at 11.00 and every second Thursday at 16.50.
For more information please contact:

REMINDER - Regarding Winter Driving in Germany

The following message is sent on behalf of MGT/BSG/SES:

A reminder in advance that from 1st October 2024 the transitional period in Germany that allowed all season tyres displaying only the M + S mark (manufactured before 01 January 2018) will come to an end.

All winter tyres from 1st October 2024 must display the Alpine symbol to be considered winter tyres.

The new icon is more than a mere symbol. It also reflects the new law that spells out what a “winter tyre” is, and sets new standards that were not in place before. Existing winter tyres (M+S-Reifen) with only the old M+S mark will be allowed until 30th September 2024.

The new 3-peak Alpine symbol is required on all new winter tyres in Germany and reflects higher standards for those tyres.

What are 'winter weather conditions'?
1. Black ice
2. Slippery conditions due to snow or slush
3. Slippery conditions caused by ice or frost

There is no fixed time period in which you are obliged to drive with winter tyres in Germany, but it is your responsibility to have the right tyres for the right weather conditions. The general rule is ‘von O bis O’ (from October to Easter), fitting winter tyres from the beginning of October to the end of April.

If your tyres do not meet the new requirements there may be a €60 fine. If you are inconveniencing other road users this will be increased to €80. If you are involved in an accident, even if not your fault, you may be held jointly liable.

For more information please visit:
Snow Tires and Winter Driving in Germany • The German Way & More (

Victory Services Club: February Newsletter

To read the latest Victory Services Club newsletter click here
For more information about the prestigious military members club in the heart of London visit


Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Visit Hasselt

In Hasselt, Belgium, a 45 minute drive from Brunssum, is a tranquil Japanese garden.
It is the perfect setting to fully experience the Japanese culture.

There are benches to sit on to enjoy the sound of waterfalls, koi fish to spot and feed, picnic places and paths for peaceful walks.

There are different activities/events on every month.
Cherry Blossom Season - Hanami
From 21st March to 30th April 2024, the garden will officially open its doors and you can see the cherry blossoms in bloom.

For more information click here

Hasselt is the largest city in Limburg, nice place to visit, shop and eat. For more information:

Tea and Toast at the Brit Community Cafe every Monday

Tea & Toast will be on offer every Monday morning from 09.00 - 11.00 in the Brit Community Cafe, UK NSE building.
€2 - cash only
Tea - Fresh Coffee - Toast - Crumpets - Biscuits & Pastries
Hope to see you there, all NATO ID holders welcome!

New Defence Domestic Abuse Action Plan

The MOD Domestic Abuse Action Plan 2024-29 is a five-year plan detailing the key actions defence is taking to tackle domestic abuse. The plan sets out how defence will prevent, intervene, and partner, to support those affected by domestic abuse and ensure those who perpetrate abuse are held accountable. 

The defence approach includes the implementation of a coordinated community response model, data and research working groups and the development of a military domestic abuse practice network.

As an employer, defence has a moral and legal duty of care for our personnel. But we also recognise a responsibility that extends beyond that, as articulated in the Armed Forces Covenant, that those who serve or have served, and their families, should be treated fairly. This plan reiterates defence’s commitment to create and maintain an environment that does not tolerate domestic abuse and raises awareness of the work taking place to tackle domestic abuse within the defence community.

Access via the link:
No defence for abuse: Domestic Abuse Action Plan 2024-2029 (

NO MORE week - Domestic Abuse Campaign 3rd - 9th March

The 11th annual NO MORE Week raises awareness of domestic abuse and sexual violence, inspiring individuals, organisations, and communities to make change.

All of us can play a role in preventing this crime. By learning more today, you could make a huge difference in someone’s life in the future. For more information click here

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

National No Smoking Day - Wednesday13th March

When you quit smoking, good things start to happen — you can begin to see almost immediate improvements to your health.
Get the right support to help you quit. For information click here

Friday, 1 March 2024

Overseas Dental Payments - Brunssum

Message sent on behalf of the UK SNR, Col Blunt:

Dental provision with the Dentteam group of practices continues to be provided but the cashless billing through Healix has been removed. This is due to administrative issues between the two organisations and is no reflection of the quality of dental treatment which remains high. Therefore costs now have to be paid for at the time of treatment and claimed back on JPA. What is important for individuals is that they are aware of the 3 categories in paragraph 17 and what that means in terms of paying and claiming back:
  • Emergency – paid and claimed back on JPA if required.
  • Routine – paid and immediately claimed back on JPA.
  • Non-routine – prior approval to be gained before proceeding with treatment, paying and then claiming back using the approval.

The DIN (details available from Brunssum HIVE) provides detail of the treatment in each of those categories, explains how to claim the money back and where to seek guidance if required. Advice and assistance from the NSE should be sought if there are challenges concerning this method of payment.

The senior team are working hard to resolve this 3rd party issue as we understand that this is an extra administrative burden on everyone.

Defence Infrastructure Organisation: Service Family Accommodation Communications Update

 A message from DIO Chief Executive, Mike Green:

“On Tuesday, I gave evidence to the House of Commons Defence Committee inquiry into service accommodation.
I welcome the scrutiny of our past performance and the opportunity it provides for us to share the improvements we are making.

I care deeply about the homes that DIO provides for you and your families, and during the evidence session, I was again able to offer my sincere apologies for the unacceptable living conditions that many of you have had to experience.
I am determined to resolve the problems that have affected Service family homes and over the last 18 months we have done all in our power to grip the issues.

Defence Children Services, Education Advisory Team (UK) - School Place Offers & Appeal Advice

School Admissions:
Which primary/ secondary school will my child attend?

There are some key dates coming up for families who have children due to start primary or secondary school in September 2024. Defence Children Services Education Advisory Team (UK) have prepared an information sheet, which offers advice to families about responding to the school places they have been offered for their children should it be needed. This guidance is relevant UK-wide.​

For further information please go to:​

Defence Discount Service: Veterans Research


New research conducted by Defence Discount Service has revealed that nearly four in five (75%) veterans feel they are not sufficiently recognised or rewarded by society for their service, despite many sacrificing key family events.

The study, which surveyed 11,500 veterans in the UK, found that while in service, 40% had missed key life events such as Christmas, anniversaries, weddings, funerals and even the birth of their own children.